CeAS Seminars and Conferences



Seminario Internazionale/International Seminar

Roma, 9-10 Giugno 2016/Rome, 9-10 June 2016

(vedi il programma/see program)

In recent years, the European Union has faced a series of political and social challenges that have threatened the foundations of its integration model. Since 2008, the economic and financial crisis has put into question the achievement of the single currency and the sustainability of the European welfare system. The emergency linked to migratory flows in the Mediterranean and through the Balkan route, together with threats to European security arising from the instability of the neighborhood and terrorist attacks, led to a retreat on the principles of free circulation and solidarity in Europe. The scenario and the progressive disaffection of citizens from the European project have encouraged the emergence of populist movements and the strengthening of Eurosceptic parties, and a referendum pending in the UK to decide to withdraw from the Union. These trends undermine the internal cohesion of the Union, but also its ability to project internationally. Ultimately, the EU must rethink its model through a revision of the bases and mechanisms of the integration process, particularly in the areas most affected by the ongoing crisis.
To this regard, the definition of models and prospects of a European Citizenship is a crucial issue, in times of resurgent nationalisms and increasingly widespread fears that fuel anti-European and Eurosceptic movements, in order to promote more advanced forms of pooled sovereignty, accompanied by common citizenship policies  that strengthen the pact between European institutions and citizens and the democratic dimension of the European Union decision-making process, with an aim to reinforce mutual trust and a true solidarity among its peoples.  
In order to deepen the reflection on these issues, the Centre of excellence Altiero Spinelli (CeAS) of University “Roma Tre”, in collaboration with Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE), organizes the present seminar in order to offer an opportunity to point at and debate historical, legal, institutional, political and economic issues and aspects of the European citizenship, with the participation of scholars and experts. The initiative is part of a cycle of seminars organised in cooperation and with the sponsorship of La Cittadinanza EuropeaCivitas Europa, and Revista de derecho constitucional europeo.


Centre of excellence Altiero Spinelli (CeAS)
Via G. Chiabrera 199 - Università Roma Tre 00145 Roma (I)



International Seminar

Rome, Italy, May 19-20 2016

(see program)

In recent years, the European Union has faced a series of political and social challenges that have threatened the foundations of its integration model. Since 2008, the economic and financial crisis has put into question the achievement of the single currency and the sustainability of the European welfare system. The emergency linked to migratory flows in the Mediterranean and through the Balkan route, together with threats to European security arising from the instability of the neighborhood and terrorist attacks, led to a retreat on the principles of free circulation and solidarity in Europe. The scenario and the progressive disaffection of citizens from the European project have encouraged the emergence of populist movements and the strengthening of Eurosceptic parties, and a referendum pending in the UK to decide to withdraw from the Union. These trends undermine the internal cohesion of the Union, but also its ability to project internationally. Ultimately, the EU must rethink its model through a revision of the bases and mechanisms of the integration process, particularly in the areas most affected by the ongoing crisis. The definition of a common defense policy and the management of internal and external security are indispensable to ensure the stability of the Member States and the protection of European citizens, contributing to the maintenance of peace beyond the European Union borders while promoting more advanced forms of pooled sovereignty at the European level. At the same time, interventions in these areas must be accompanied by common citizenship policies that strengthen the pact between European institutions and citizens and the democratic dimension of the European decision-making process as a whole.

In order to deepen the reflection on these issues, the Centre of excellence Altiero Spinelli (CeAS) of University “Roma Tre”, in collaboration with Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) of Rome, organizes this seminar devoted to the common European defense. The seminar will offer an opportunity to point at and debate historical, legal, institutional, political and economic issues and aspects of the European defense, with the participation of scholars, experts, and representatives of European and national institutions and the media. The initiative is part of a cycle of seminars organised in cooperation and with the sponsorship of La Cittadinanza Europea, Civitas Europa, and Revista de derecho constitucional europeo.


Centre of excellence Altiero Spinelli (CeAS)
Via G. Chiabrera 199 - Università Roma Tre 00145 Roma (I)


Call for Papers

The Centro Altiero Spinelli - Jean Monnet centre of excellence (CeAS), University of "Roma Tre" (Italy), and the Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues (RCIMI), University of Oradea (Romania), jointly organize the International Seminar on:

Rome, Italy, April 27-29-2016

(see program)

The Seminar will be held within the project “Pathways to Peace”, with the support, among others, of the Italian  Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

The arrival in Europe of a mass of people who flee their countries of origin (especially from Syria) due to war and other situations of danger for their lives and liberties, in addition to the flux of migrants compelled to leave their countries because of poverty, has become a major challenge for Europe, from the point of view of its capacity to share the burden of hospitality, but even more for the implications of public policy at both national and European Union level, connected with integration and security reasons. Indeed, social integration, intercultural dialogue, mutual respect, on one  hand, and, on the other, measures to prevent and combat illegal immigration fueled by criminal organizations, as well as to respond effectively to terrorism risks connected with conflicts on the south bank of the Mediterranean (Middle-East and African area), are all intertwined factors and aspects of a scenario in which is at stake the future of the European project of peace and prosperity.  
In view of the challenge thus posed by the flows of migrants and refugees, on which it also depends the challenge of peaceful coexistence and worldwide sustainable development, EU member states and institutions are called to act in a responsive way that also implies the responsibility to deepen and spread  knowledge about the issues involved, in order to have, on the side of the public at large, a better understanding of viable solutions, especially concerning policy choices, affecting the life of European citizens. 
To this regard, university cooperation, through the involvement of research and study centers, with the participation of experts, and civil society organizations, can bring about a significant contribution in terms of analysis, suggestions and proposals.
With this aim in mind, the Seminar is intended to gather scholars, young researchers, experts, as well as institutional and civil society representatives, in order to offer an opportunity to reflect and discuss on such matters, while urging the attention of competent authorities, in particular at European level.

Main objectives of the Seminar are: 
- to analyze the migrants and refugees fluxes that produced a crisis in the EU politics and culture and to produce study materials relevant for the topic; to advance proposals for managing it; and to promote intercultural dialogue on the basis of the shared values and common interests of the Countries involved (sending, transit and receiving).
Expected outcomes are:
- establishing “face to face dialogues” among institutional and political representatives as well as non-political and civil society actors, including scholars and experts, situated both in the sending, transit and receiving countries, in order to define a comprehensive view of the process, if not shared, at least, mutually knowledgeable and aware of the differences among the parts;  
- delivering proposals to European institutions, mainly to the European Commission, (DG Migration and Home Affairs) and to the European Parliament, on the basis of an analytical knowledge and a thorough understanding of the nature, dimension and far reaching implications of the phenomenon as well as its consequences on the future of all the region;
- mobilizing the Academia, NGOs, Media and the public opinion promoting an active, informed and responsible debate about national and EU policies on the field;
- defending value-based approaches as part of the process of managing the crisis, with regard not only to its emergency aspects, but also to its development prospects, by giving shape to an agreed Charter on Common Values and Principles, and making efforts for its implementation at local, national and European level. 

We invite abstracts on any of the following thematic areas:
- Migrants and refugees crisis, sending transit and receiving countries: experiences & views 
- EU and national policies in managing migrants and refugees crisis
- Human rights and minority rights between cultural diversity, social integration and security issues

Selected contributions and the following seminar’s proceedings will be, after a peers review, published in a volume within the monographs series “Quaderni del Centro Altiero Spinelli” (http://www.centrospinelli.eu).
Further, and in the alternative, single contributions will be made available on line and/or published, after a peers review, in a special issues of the journal “La cittadinanza europea” edited by CeAS (http://www.centrospinelli.eu), and in the “Journal for Identity and Migration Studies” of University of Oradea (http://www.jims.e-migration.ro), both indexed in international data bases. 

No more than one paper is allowed.
If interested, please send an email to:


containing the following information, identified by the ASN Program Committee:

  1. Contact information: name, email, postal address and academic affiliation of the applicant.
  2. A 300- to 500-word abstract that includes the title of the paper and the name of the author (shorter or extensive abstracts will not be considered).
  3. A 100-word biographical summary, in narrative form (a text with the length of one paragraph). Standard CVs will not be considered.

Deadline: by January, 15th, 2016 at the latest

Only selected and accepted papers will be considered for presentation during the Seminar. 

Only selected papers allow an invitation to assist to the Seminar.



Presentazione del libro "SAHEL IN MOVIMENTO - Nuove soggettività sociopolitiche tra globale e locale"
a cura di Maria Luisa Maniscalco 

Il Centro di eccellenza Altiero Spinelli e le edizioni L'Harmattan Italia presentano il libro "SAHEL IN MOVIMENTO -  Nuove soggettività sociopolitiche tra globale e locale" a cura di Maria Luisa Maniscalco

Discutono con gli autori:
On. Vincenzo Amendola, capo gruppo PD - Commissione esteri Camera dei Deputati
Prof. Jean Leonard Touadi, responsabile Africa - Dipartimento esteri PD
Gen. D. Nicola Gelao, direttore CeMiSS - Centro Militare di Studi Strategici
Dott.ssa Konate Fatoumata Nirina, Ambasciata del Mali  Modera: Lorenzo Biondi, giornalista giovedì 9 aprile 2015 alle ore 16 presso la Camera dei Deputati, Sala Salvadori, via Uffici del Vicario 21, Roma.

Event page on Facebook




China & Europe: 

fostering the mutual understanding by multi-level comparisons of their cultures, societies, and economies

Rome, 27-28 march 2014

Visit the event page



La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo nelle relazioni tra ordinamenti. Problemi e prospettive

Giovedì 6 marzo 2014, ore 10.00
via G. Chiabrera 199, Roma
Sala del Consiglio, IV piano

In occasione della presentazione del libro The Constitutional Relevance of the ECHR in Domestic and European Law.An Italian Perspective, G. Repetto (ed.), Intersentia, si terrà, nell’ambito dei Corsi di studio in Diritto e istituzioni dell’Unione europea, Uniformazione e Comparazione giuridica, Diritto contrattuale europeo, un seminario di studi su: La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo nelle relazioni tra ordinamenti. Problemi e prospettive.




Europa e Giovani  
dall'Unione della crisi all'Unione delle opportunità:  
programmi europei per l’occupazione, lo studio e il tirocinio

Giovedì, 27 Febbraio 2014 
Aula Magna 
Viale Ostiense 159 

L’iniziativa, destinata prevalentemente a studenti universitari e delle scuole di istruzione superiore, con una attenzione al ruolo degli educatori, ha lo scopo di fornire strumenti di informazione e conoscenza su temi di particolare interesse per il mondo giovanile. Saranno presentati e discussi progetti, azioni e mezzi intesi a favorire, nel contesto delle politiche dell’Unione, nazionali e regionali, le ‘opportunità’ offerte ai giovani  di  prendere  parte  attiva  alla  vita  culturale,  produttiva  e sociale.  I  lavori saranno  aperti  da domande rivolte direttamente dagli studenti ai relatori presenti. 

Rassegna stampa:


Conferenza "Egypt and Euro-Mediterranean  Relations: Constitutional, Cultural and Poltical Perspectives"  Prof. Hossam Badrawi, University of Cairo 

Intervista al Prof. H. Badrawi

Intervento del Prof. H. Badrawi
Badrawi racconta l' Egitto
Badrawi: Egyptian social and political landscape.


“L’Europa a scuola: come diventare cittadini europei”: progetto pilota sull'educazione alla 'cittadinanza europea', realizzato in collaborazione con istituti scolastici della città di Roma

Comunicato stampa
Giornata di presentazione: video
Intervista Dario De Luca
Intervista a Giampiero Gramaglia
Intervista a Tiziana  Pantaleoni

Nel corso degli anni il Centro ha organizzato svariate iniziative a carattere scientifico-culturale (convegni, seminari, conferenze, dibattiti) miranti a promuovere lo sviluppo e la diffusione di conoscenze e competenze nel campo dell’integrazione europea.

In particolare si ricordano le seguenti:

-Un protagonista dell’Europa: Eugenio Colorni federalista
Presentazione del volume collettaneo “Eugenio Colorni federalista”, curato da Fabio Zucca (14 dicembre 2011, Biblioteca del Senato)

Comunicato stampa
Servizio “Colorni, l’europeista”
Intervista a Luigi Moccia
Intervista a Maurizio Degl'Innocenti
Intervista a Fabio Zucca
Intervista a Pierluigi Mantini

I° Workshop su L’internazionalizzazione e la cooperazione universitaria nel campo degli studi europei (Progetto MiUR)

Roma, Lunedì 7 novembre 2011, ore 13,30

Il Centro di eccellenza Altiero Spinelli (CeAS) e l’Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI University), nell’ambito delle attività previste dall’accordo di cooperazione, hanno organizzato un incontro di lavoro dedicato alla elaborazione di proposte di progettazione di attività formative post-laurea (master) e di ricerca nel campo degli studi europei (integrazione politico-istituzionale, coesione economico-sociale e territoriale, politiche europee di immigrazione, cittadinanza europea, spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, azione esterna dell’Unione e politiche di partenariato e vicinato), incentrate sullo sviluppo delle relazioni euro-mediterranee, al fine di favorire la mobilità di studenti e docenti di paesi dell’area mediterranea, in particolare provenienti dalla sponda sud del Mediterraneo.  

L’incontro, coordinato dal prof. Luigi Moccia, Presidente CeAS, e dal prof. Joseph Mifsud, Presidente EMUNI, si è svolto nei locali del Centro, alla presenza del prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General, dell’Unione per il Mediterraneo, del Rettore dell’Università di Haifa (Israele), del Presidente dell’Università Al Najah (Palestina), del Presidente dell’Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo in Scienza del Rischio e di altri ospiti in rappresentanza dell’Università di Murcia e di Cadiz (Spagna).

vedi il video

Carta dei Diritti fondamentali e Ruolo del Giudice nazionale nello spazio europeo di Cittadinanza(26 ottobre 2011: giornata di studio - interventi di G. Alpa, L. Moccia, O. Pollicino, L. De Matteis, R. Caponi, E. De Capitani, E. Paciotti, R. Conti, E. Falletti, G. Bronzini, T. Magno, G. Bisogni, V. Bazzocchi, G. Salmè, V. Piccone)


L'altra Europa: la cittadinanza europea fra enti territoriali e cooperazione  (25 marzo 2011: giornata di studio in occasione della I edizione del premio Cittadinanza europea per l'Europa dei popoli e la pace nel mondo)