27-28 March 2014,
Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Cultures
Via Ostiense, 236 - Aula Magna
Welcome greetings Panizza Mario, President University Roma Tre Li Ruiyu, Ambassador, People’s Republic of China Andrea Perugini, Ministry Foregin Affairs (Italy) 10:00 – 10:30
Culture I: High Civilizations and their Inspirative and Stimulative Encounters
10,30 – 12,30 Comopolitanism of difference: a cultural approach to Europe-China relations Marramao Giacomo, University Roma Tre
What Chinese and Europeans can learn from each other Woesler Martin, University of Applied Languages, Munich
Toward a European intercutural model: general framework and the Italian experience Moccia Luigi, University Roma Tre, and Wong Marco, “AssoCina”
Managing the Diversity: Language Policy and Practice in China and Ukraine Hobova Yevheniia, A.
Culture II: Knowledge Formation and Historical Encounters in Eurasia
14:00 – 16:00 Chinese artists outside China during the Early Modern Period: possibilities as heritage today Luengo Pedro, University of Sevilla
Turkey-China Relations: History and Future Prospects Altun Sirma, Middleeast Technical University Ankara
Knowledge Formation and History of the Book in China: A Comparative Study of China and Western Europe Lin Hang, University of Hamburg
Stereotypes about China: the Italian literature of the 20th Century Lombardi Rosa, University Roma Tre
Society I: Different approaches to stigma, mortality, law and justice
16:30 – 18:30 Dealing with stigma - China and Europe cross-cultural study Ozegalska-Lukasik Natalia, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University (with Anna Prokop)
"Being- towards- death" : a comparative study on attitudes towards mortality in Europe and in China Fan Jiani, University of Sorbonne-Nouvelle-Paris III
Legal Aspects of EU-China Trade Messmann Stefan, Central European University Budapest
Session’s closing
Society II: China's efforts to modernization and social welfare
9:00 – 10:30 Analyzing China's Third Way: Conceptual and Methodological Issues Halbeisen Hermann, Research Institute for Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne
China's different Path of Modernization Krauße Reuß-Markus, Goethe University, Frankfurt,
Towards a Unified “Social China”: European Social Model’s Implications for China’s Fragmented Social Provision System Wen Zhuoyi, The City University of Hong Kong,
Session Economy I: Hard power: Military and Energy
11:00 – 12:30 China-EU, from military cooperation to mutual understanding Grgic Mladen, University of Montenegro
Powering the Future: China and Europe’s Energy Industry Quartermain Thomas, Oxford University Divide et Impera: Chinese growing influence in Europe Chiriu Andrea, University of Cagliari
Economy II: Lessons to Learn from Each Other - New Contents of Cadre Education, taxation and life standards
14:00 – 16,30 The Introduction of Direct Taxes and the European Model in Twentieth-Century China, Xu Xiaoqun, Christopher, Newport University
China's Investment in the EU Jiang Shixue, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences
Objects and Forces of Transformation: Reconciling Economy and Ecology in China’s Cadre Education Ritirc Julia, Universität Wien
The Uniqueness of the Media System in China and its Internal Mechanics Luo Austin Jun, Beijing Normal University
Economic Growth and Quality of Life: What can the Europeans and the Chinese learn from each other? Yang Keming, University of Durham
Concluding Session Wrap-up discussion with panel participants and the public about the future of EU-China relations 17:00 – 18:00
Will Chinese legal culture constrain its corporate governance-related laws?
Bu Qingxiu, University of Sussex
Conference presentation
Interview of Luigi Moccia
Interview of Mario Panizza
Interview of Andrea Perugini
Interview of Zhang Jianda
Interview of Marco Wong
Interview of Federico Masini
Interview of Martin Woesler
Interview of Giacomo Marramao
Interview of Rosa Lombardi
Interview of Stefan Messmann
Interview of Jiang Shixue
Interview of Luo Austin Jun
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